Fascia Fitness Online...
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fascia?
What is The Fascianator Method?
The Fascianator Roller vs. Foam Roller
What should I expect after I roll?
What are the benefits of daily self-myofascial release?
Can The Fascianator Method help with...?
How often should I roll with The Fascianator?
When should I roll?
What will I feel after I roll?
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Can I make modifications?
What should I bring to class?
What should I wear?
What kind of mat should I use?
Can I spot roll?
What is autogenic inhibition?
Nutrition & Collagen
What is the Lymphatic System?
What is the Nervous Sytem?
What is the Circulatory System?
What is a Neurovascular Bundle?
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Get Certified - Fascianator Method Practitioner
The Fascianator Method helps you to achieve your fitness and mobility goals without pain
- Improved: range of motion, flexibility, less joint and muscle pain, overall sense of well- being and energy.
- Increased: oxygenated blood flow into tissues, venous drainage of blood returning to the heart, lymphatic drainage and waste product elimination, quality of sleep, range of motion in the joints.
- Decreased: Dural tension, fewer, less severe headaches, peripheral edema
Beneficial Effects
Increased serotonin levels, better posture, increased flexibility and mobility, increased digestion, less headaches, decrease in Dural-tension, decrease in joint pain, increased blood flow, increased lymphatic drainage and waste product elimination, improved visual acuity, improved sinus drainage, improved skin tone, cessation of varicose veins, decreased peripheral neuropathy, just to name a few!
TEENAGE ATHLETES: Can help with Osgood-Schlatter’s Syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, pulled hamstrings, quadriceps and adductors, as well as rotator cuff and all issues associated with teen athletes.
- General stiffness
- Decreased joint range of motion
- Shin Splints
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfer's Elbow
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Frequent Urination
- Trigger Finger
- Compartment Syndrome
- Migraine Headaches
- Tensional Headaches
- I.T. band Syndrome
- Patellofemore Syndrome
- Chemotherapy induced neuropathy
- Idiopathic Neuropathy
- Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
- Dupuytren's Contracture
- DeQuervain's Syndrome
- Diabetic Foot
- Sciatica
- Constipation
- Vertigo
- Face and TMJ Pain
Developers of The Fascianator Method
Anthony and Eileen Chrisco, Founding Members of the Fascia Research Society each have over 20 years dedicated to fascia research and learning how to improve the body; collectively they dedicated 40 years. Their dedication and knowledge shines bright with the life-changing experience of those who use The Fascianator and The Fascianation Method.
They developed, trademarked, and teach The Fascianator Method to professionals and practitioners of yoga, physical therapy, personal training, and athletic training, making it possible for people heal from home, too, thanks to the self-myofascial release process.